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Will Nick be having a route I was hoping to see where it leads but turns out he's not coming :(((


I'll be addressing this in a devlog further on, but honestly that's the main part why this chapter is taking so long. 

I've been trying to do Nick justice with my writing, but the character idea is that he's a blank slate, seeing an interesting new world and learning from it. However, that's also the problem with writing him, as a blank slate influenced by the story; it's difficult to maintain him as a route and have him as a main character.

In the future, when the story is ready, or perhaps once the story is just a little bit more grounded I will probably add his route again, for those interested, but for me to be able to keep writing properly, I had to shelve him for now, even if he's one of my favorite characters. I'll do him justice further on.