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An outstanding little masterpiece. The sound, the music, the artwork... it's all simplistic, yet beautiful. The clunky controls don't feel like a nuisance, they're very much in sync with the game's retro aesthetic and are easy to adjust to. The gameplay was so primitive, but for some reason it never felt boring and repetitive, perhaps due to everything feeling intuitive and familiar in a weird way, like a very simple exploration formula with slight variations that kept going exactly as long as it was supposed to, I was never lost even when it seemed like I looped around the same passage twice, the mystery of what lies at the end definitely kept me hooked. Every action is accompanied by juicy, satisfying noises, without them the experience wouldn't be as immersive or polished. And the ending... For some reason, even though the text seems like it can be interpreted in thousands of ways and doesn't exactly answer any questions, it still felt like an achievement, as if you've resolved something, your labour payed off in the end. Honestly, I cannot fully express how nice and refreshing your game was, but I hope 5 stars encourage you to keep mastering your creed and, above all else, enjoying the process!