Story and sound effects were worth a few chuckles. Gameplay was unique among entries as well. Seeing some 3D stuff going on was pretty cool. I managed to clear all the vents and fix all the dragons in almost exactly 30 minutes, so well done with your scope!
My main problem was the unintuitive gameplay. Moving and turning felt unnatural to me, enemies right next to me were barely visible. Spellcasting was almost unusable since it required multiple presses and checking the keyboard. Potions were almost invisible, and navigating the dungeon was a bit hard (thank goodness for that zone map).
A mini map would have been wonderful, as well as some HUD for skills instead of text at the bottom of the screen. Having to move my attention around to multiple places meant that even after 30 minutes of gameplay, I still was very slow and unreliable in my control of the character.
Having multiple different commands for interacting was a bit strange too. Why not have the confirm button unblock vents, fix dragons, speak to characters, and also attack? There was also a clown that I was too slow to attack/talk to, so curious about that.
I did have fun though, and I liked the cute little dragon things and the sound effects as I approached them.