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Which button did you press in the start menu?
In case of an error, the game creates an error log in the folder "generated/errorLog" in this folder is a file "log.txt". Do you see this file and if yes, what is the content of this file.



Must set the Network Address field in the manager

I got it to work!

ok, I guess you pressed the button "join game" without setting an ip in the input field next to it. So if you want to play alone, you should press the "start host and client button", else you should input the ip-adress of the server, where you want to play. I think I'll have to fix, that the loading starts, without a valid input.

I get spawned off the map and have this error message:


IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Vegetation.calculateGrowthStep () (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

Vegetation.setUpVegetation (WorldTimer worldTimer, Timing.TimeCounter creationTime) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

ChunkTerrain.setupVegetation (UnityEngine.GameObject vegetationGameObject, Timing.TimeCounter creationTime, System.Boolean initCreation) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

ChunkTerrain.setupNaturalObject (System.Int32 objectKind, UnityEngine.Vector3 objectPosition, LandscapeGenerator.TerrainOutput terrainOutput, System.Boolean isVegetation, System.Single objectScale) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

ChunkTerrain.instantiateWorldObject (LandscapeGenerator.TerrainOutput terrainOutput, System.Int32 z, System.Int32 x, System.Single finalHeight, System.Single objectScale) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

ChunkTerrain.calculateTerrainPoint (System.Single xGlobal, System.Single zGlobal, System.Int32 xLocal, System.Int32 zLocal, UnityEngine.Vector3[] importantPonds, System.Boolean chunkContainsRiver, System.Boolean realPoint) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

ChunkTerrain.calculateOneZRow (System.Int32 z) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

ChunkTerrain.initialize (System.Boolean useCoroutine, PlanetHandler planetHandler) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

PlanetHandler.activateChunk (UnityEngine.Vector3 newPosition, System.Boolean useCoroutine) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

PlanetHandler.createAllChunks (UnityEngine.Vector3 position) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

PlanetHandler.updateChunks (UnityEngine.Vector3 position) (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

PlanetHandler.Update () (at <0038255cec434db5aa2c2d8f5a18cd4f>:0)

The error log tells, that the error occurred directly after loading and there is an error with plants. Did you created a new world or load an existing one?
In the first case: could you please send me the seed of the world (options menu -> world options -> world seed),
else could you please send me additional to the seed, the player file, which you'll find in "generated/worlds/<world name, which failed>/player/<player name>.xml" (the content from "<InCave>" until "</LeftHandItem>" would be enough, if you don't want to send the complete file.