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(2 edits)

Aww that's a bummer. Good luck with the new code work.

Just some quick feedback: I hope you bring queens old animation back seeing as how in the "new test version" it got revised to the basics. I kinda liked that animation... especially since it gave Queen a bit of a unique feel being the leader of the brothel and all.
Gotta say though, not a fan of the reused animations for every single girl in just a different skin color or of the new "mini view screens." Hope the animations are just temporary with possibly an option for swap out later. And will there be any chance of a zoom feature for the mini animation view screens? But hey it's efficient for now at least. Other than that I got nothing, it's all good. Keep up the good work. 


Your animation feedback is exactly the reason why I swapped out battle animations to be generic animations. They're only for battles, not for enjoyment. Better and unique animations belong in quests because that's where you're rewarded after a battle. The battle shouldn't be the reward, the player shouldn't be watching the animations there.


That actually answered the question for the change better than I anticipated. Fair enough. Thank you. Alright then. Well as long as they are still in the game somewhere that's cool. It'd be a shame to just trash bin the old animation and artwork entirely. Every game has it's back story's and start up drawings, depictions &  animations. Some times I like to look back on those kinda like special features and see where a game came from and how it evolved over time. It's a clear depiction of all the work the dev put into the game over time. & Yes, yes and among other reason's... we're all adults here... at least I would hope. That will definitely give the gallery a better reason to be used for sure though. Thanks for the reply.


Appreciate the response bud, looking forward to putting the other animations back in the game!