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"Sorry, fatal error - please let Majalis know!  Error: com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load dependencies of asset: sounds/IntroSound.wav"

Tried both x86 and x64 versions, ran the .exe and .jar, tried the shortcut method, and admin rights. Same error during any run. Other Java based apps/games (e.g. via the .jar) work fine.

Link to the paste of error.txt below:

Win10 x64, JRE Version 8 Update 151.


Hey, that's interesting, that's an error in libgdx - I'll take a look at it, but I suspect it's something weird with your audio driver.

(2 edits)

Yup, 7.1 sound setup was the case. I switched to the 2.0 option (of the same audio card output, via the Windows' playback devices) - and the game loaded without a flaw.

Tried other different audio outputs (like AC3 passthrough, HDMI, ect) - all of them are working in 2.0 (on the same sound card).