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How do I start it?

Just download and execute? I’m on a Mac and only tested on Mac and Windows 10,  but if you have trouble with authentication:

- On Windows, click More info > Open anyway.

- On Mac, open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Open anyway

It is just crashing... Could you make a web version?

sorry about that.. i’m new to the process. I’ll try later today. Thanks for visiting anyway!


May I ask what platform you're on?

(1 edit)

Have you tried both the windows and windows 64 bit versions?


I disabled my virus protection and it worked! I played it and although repetitive finding the initial correct pattern was a puzzle. Yet it seemed impossible to do anything about the jaywalkers. One just flat out walked into a stopped car and I lost once. I did love the game over comics though XD! Anyway one thing I do want to mention is I'm doing a review of design on the games in this jam so here's a shameless plug to my channel if you want to be notified of the vid when released:


Thanks a lot for the feedback! I wanted to make people hate jaywalkers, but not that much xD. Will probably update it. Cheers, will look forward to your video


My XKCD game jam analysis is out!


I watched it, and it’s the best analysis of the jam i’ve seen so far. Bit sad I didn’t make the cut, but that just fuels me for my next jam!

Are you planning to work on more jam videos? You can really build a fanbase that way, since it’s hard to compete with popular video analysis Youtubers. Start with small jams and then Ludum Dare. Either way, you got a subscriber!