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thx Aaron!! First of all, the game is extraordinarily difficult but extraordinarily fun. The sense of tension is constant and if I ever get the f*** out the planet I’ll throw a space party.

Well, I’ll ask:

  1. The assignment of the dices is mandatory to be done in this order, Fate - location- countdown? Or can be assigned in any order?
  2. If I’m headed to, say, the market or the medic, but I haven’t got enough money to purchase anything? What can I do? Pass the turn and purchase nothing?
  3. If I’m left with exactly zero health points but in the next roll I gain two again... was I dead?
  4. When you say you can carry 4 items it means that if you haven’t loaded these items  you can’t purchase more rations or fuel? Or that you can’t load more than 4 at once?

and some suggestions 

  1. As I pointed out to you on Twitter the pdf is full of hidden text, idk if you would need to correct it.  (I told you, I was willing to translate it)
  2. I think that in market section the text should be: Sell Med Kit: +25c 

I think that’s all. It’s an awesome and funny game! Fast paced and clever!