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First of all thank you for making this guide, i have noticed that some affactionpoints are not distributed correctly, e.g. the choice "to free rides" also gives you 2 affection to Silas. Another is the entire chain for Reth:

the first values are the ones that i got in game and the others that i am supposed to get. Apperantly wehenever you are supposed to loose points here you gain them (play nice and going with Reth while having 100 or lower affection) and having 101 and higher affection doesn't give you affaction at all.

This is true for the PC and Android version of the game 

Thank you! Apparently I had the code messed up and was trying to add negative points which only actually added points. I'll update it and it will be fixed in the next version. As of right now, nothing bad happens if you have too many affection points so it just means you might get bonus dialog when you shouldn't have.