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Haha we've all been there, I'm gonna guess which one you're missing and give you this hint! Near the comets, they'll give you a lift to your prize, but skewer your plans if you're under them.

Thanks! I almost did it I'm going to try again right now!

I think I get what to do, but are you talking about jumping on the asteroids?



Forget it. I lost my last life. I'm probally going to try again tommorow. Filledwith RAGE!

Hey Paul! Sorry, sloths need a lot of sleep, even the mega ones and I was passed out.

Try the spiked platforms before the comets on your next go ;)

I just got home from some stuff and saw yor comment. Last night I thought you were asleep. My game just started updating when I got on my PC, so i'll do it after it updates. Thanks for the advice, because I was jumping on the coments over and over.

I'm going to sleep and my game just updated since my computer is slow, so I'll get evrerything soon.

I got above, but bow do I get on the Comet.

Haha ok you've tried long enough, the skull you're missing (I think) is on the spiked platforms before the comets, ride it up to its top then jump!