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Related to this, there is a bug where the range is not computed correctly if [min, max] crossed angle 0 modulo 360. For instance, if I want my PFX to send particles flying between -10 and 10 degrees, I would set Min = 350 (this is -10 modulo 360) and Max = 10. But then the program just reverses both values and do as if it was [10, 350] which covers most angles.

Instead, I want 350 to be recognized at -10:

The workaround is to right-click on Direction Min so you can input a negative value, like -10.

Either the gauge (or slider, following OP’s suggestion) should naturally allow negative values (range -360 to 360), or the program should interpret Min value as really the Min value, and do a complete counter-clockwise turn until it meets the Max value, modulo 360. If the user really wants the range to go the other way, then they must reverse Min and Max values themselves.