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Cove is semi-customizable because people can change as they grow depending on their experiences and we wanted to show that. Letting his gender magically be whatever the player wants isn't what we had in mind, he's still a normal person. But it also wasn't possible for our small group to give a totally separate female LI equal time as Cove. The game would've been so large we'd have never finished it. It's a downer, but we, and players, have to accept that means some people won't be able to play. Our Life is a series about quality in the love interest, not quantity. We weren't going to make a female LI second fiddle purely for the sake of having one. It would've been insulting to ask people who love women to still play our game 'cause we threw them a bone while giving every spotlight to the male lead. So, B&A stars Cove while having minor side romances for a couple other dudes.

People who want to romance a woman will have to wait for Our Life: Now & Forever. But, honestly, the first game was made with a 'seeing if it's possible' approach where we figured it out as we went along, with a pretty modest budget too. The next game is in early development but is already simply better in terms of features/how everything works together. We've learned a lot since first starting the franchise. People who prefer ladies are gonna have a lot of extra quality in their game thanks to their patience, haha.