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“AH!” she covers her invention “WHO’S THERE?!” she grabs a wrench ready to hit you

he stepped back a bit 

Jamie:woah..calm down sweetcakes..i just say you there and I was just wondering if your cool..

she backs up a bit then runs grabs your wrist and out of fear you close your eyes when you open them again your in a white room with a bed and a slot for food she must give you, theres also a giant window and you can see a mother and a 4 year old child across from you

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Jamie:w-woah..why did that..a-and where are we..?

you hear the voice coming from in-front of you but nobody is there “Your somewhere forbidden! Dont want anyone to tell people where I am or what I’m doing!”

Jamie:w-whos there..?

he gets a bit shaken up

laughs “It’s the girl you where talking to a couple of minutes ago, Most people don’t survive unless i give them food like the people infront of you but I think you’ll be fine to keep!”

Jamie:the hell is this a joke..?

“No! Its not a joke i could let you starve if you do something wrong” it then when you realize theres a skeleton in the room with you in the bed

Jamie:the hell is this..I was just trying to see if you were ok..and I get this in return..a fucked up life like know..I don't mind dying..just kill me..