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she backs up a bit then runs grabs your wrist and out of fear you close your eyes when you open them again your in a white room with a bed and a slot for food she must give you, theres also a giant window and you can see a mother and a 4 year old child across from you

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Jamie:w-woah..why did that..a-and where are we..?

you hear the voice coming from in-front of you but nobody is there “Your somewhere forbidden! Dont want anyone to tell people where I am or what I’m doing!”

Jamie:w-whos there..?

he gets a bit shaken up

laughs “It’s the girl you where talking to a couple of minutes ago, Most people don’t survive unless i give them food like the people infront of you but I think you’ll be fine to keep!”

Jamie:the hell is this a joke..?

“No! Its not a joke i could let you starve if you do something wrong” it then when you realize theres a skeleton in the room with you in the bed

Jamie:the hell is this..I was just trying to see if you were ok..and I get this in return..a fucked up life like know..I don't mind dying..just kill me..

“No, if you request death then it doesnt happen, If you want a true answer sure,  I works for a secret building society that nobody knows about they do this to people, the cell your in is my cell, the one across from you is Kamina’s and the one next ro you on your left is Hunter’s, We dont tell anyone about our work considering it is ment for syping usage mostly and killing properties like mafia’s or something, i build for mafia’s, currently building the biggest spying invention yet, the Hydronspy 2000 its spies on the mafia’s target for then and kills them, easy right? It also hides the body so no one can find it, if the society or inventions are found we will be killed and everyone will be checked. I dont tell anyone not even my little sister. Thats enough of an explanation right.?”

Jamie:and..why would you trust a complete stranger with this information..?

he looked at nothing and just started smirking