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Very fun game indeed, it is obvious that the author got inspired from Phoenix Wright series doing this game (it even has the Cross-Examination mechanics!), which is one of my favorite games from my childhood, that fact made me like this game fast; the suspense and history also builds up in a very nice pace. I think that the major issue with the game are the misspells and syntax errors, which kind of disconnected me from the game, because the history is the main aspect of it. However, if you are a fan of investigation games like Phoenix Wright and Heavy Rain, this will be a fun experience! 


I can't deny I always loved the Ace Attorney and jeje sorry for the mispells, my main language is spanish but that still doesn't excuse me for the mistakes, I'll fix any misspells once the IGMC is over 

Thank you for your review! c:

I feel you bro, my main language is portuguese and misspells are also an issue with my game, i am even considering hiring someone to correct it, lol.


I get you, not even google translate can save us anymore