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I tried the first person view and it make me feal more in a simulation than an arcadegame. I can play with only one hand. nice !

In third person view I used the mouse for the camera to control the camera. What I mean by reset the camera is a key to move the camera behind the aircraft in order to see ahead. You have that feature in many 3rd person action game. This is just an idea, my main issue was I couldn't control the camera how I wanted to.

But yes, my first impression was "the technical stuff and the code must be quit good behind that aircraft physics"

Good luck.  

Thank you for your detailed answer!

I think I know what you're talking about now. Such a camera is constantly located at a certain point behind the aircraft. This camera is always pointed at the plane. Thus, this camera is completely stationary in the local coordinate system of the aircraft. This effect can be achieved by moving my second camera 10 or 15 meters back and 5 or 10 meters up.

I tried using such a camera in this game during its development. I did not like the intense background movement that naturally occurs with any angular movements of the aircraft. I note that this was only my personal assessment. And maybe it's too subjective. In general, there are many options for the camera control logic. And this topic I have yet to work out.