It doesn't bother me, if that's what happened (being press). I did set the minimum price before publishing. I assume it was probably press, as I am opted into the press system, and that is OK with me. I just didn't put two and two together.
It is curious why it showed up for the first at least 10-15 minutes then? I didn't know about the review process, and had I known I would not have worried. You see, when I saw it show up in both Browse and Search, it caused me to assume publishing was instant. I'm not upset that that is the case, not necessarily, not as long as that is the expected behavior.
I hope it's easy to see how my thought process worked through this. I thought something was wrong! I apologize if I came across brashly- given the assumptions I made, I was feeling rather concerned, and hope I didn't cause undue annoyance.
Thank you sir, you've been a great help! I appreciate it!