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Honestly the game was plain annoying to play, i understand that it is still under development so here are a few things you can try to fix:

  • You can change weapons with the scope activated
  • The shooting sounds are deafening when walking near a crowd of enemies
  • Hit detection is raycast while the bullets are too slow (the enemies die ages before the bullet gets to them)

Secondary things:

  • Some variety in weapons
  • A bit better ai that cant see you through walls
  • Pause menu is a bit bugged

Thats all, I hope you understand that im not trying to hate, just giving you feedback to improve the game. Dont get discouraged and keep on coding!


thanks for the feedback, im going to work on fixing these issues to make the player have a good experience.

(1 edit)

u said that the pause menu is bugged. how is it bugged specifically?

oh nvm is it that u can pause the game when scoped in?