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Good game idea. I got some remarks. First please add a menu for sound volume it's so harsh. Or at list a mute button. Second why have you choose click and not another key to shoot. I highlty suggest you for future game jam to add multiple action key so everyone can handle that in the easiest way. for exemple for me mouse and keys are on the same hand so it was hard and A and D are not easy as im' not in querty. Finaly the jump is a bit odd but apart from that quite nice to play. And the art is very nice well done.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback :)
We  actually added arrows keys for movement as well as said by the dev in the dialogs in level 2 :)

But yeah we will add the other things in future updates

You are welcome.

Good i have not get it but nice.
If you got a bit of time i would apreciate to get your feedback on my proposal. :

Sure :D