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Wow, I am really excited about this new update!

Maybe one day you'll add plagues and doctors. I think it would be really awesome looking to see some little plague doctor guys running around. And maybe after that chemical warfare and fighter jets...Just joking, but the plagues and doctors would be cool.

Are you thinking of adding any sort of alcoholic beverages to increase citizen happiness, or maybe for nobles? I thought I read something about that a while ago, but I'm not sure.

Thanks for the updates!


Alcohol is probably going to be the first luxury item, as it was heavily consumed throughout the bronze age. There will probably be two variations, beer (which can be produced from wheat), and wine (which can only be produced on special terrain). Beer will be easier to produce, but less effective than wine.

Plagues might make an appearance, but doctors won't. The iconic plague doctor is really a product of the middle ages, in the bronze age people still attributed disease to demons, or bad spirits.