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Hey BoredLeviathan, this was a great game! I really liked the password hunt and the little clues around the place. This was probably the best one you have done yet! The one thing I would change is the location of the clue after the password so it doesn't look the same as the previous one. I have missed that clue multiple times, but I was able to figure it out on my own easily. Props to you man for making this game. (Your game is the last one in the video.)

Thank you BerryDeaf, actually the location of the clues change each time you restart,if you have the same clues location it probably a coincidence

Oh I beat it multiple times. It was great. The RNG for the numbers was a great idea. The "don't trust her" clue seemed to stay in place every time which is the one clue that seemed to be confused and overlooked with "darkness helps you".