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It is a pity that you could not evaluate my project. Spent a lot of time optimization, write the characteristics of your computer?

with some games that say they require 8 gigs, I can get by with the 4 that are on my computer and tone down the settings even though it may choke a bit during gameplay. The other experience I have had when I have tried to run games that are above my computer's specs is it will let me into the game but just run so sluggishly that it is not worth playing at all. That is why I am surprised this didn't at least do that it just kicked me out without even allowing me to get into the first screen of the actual game.

Maybe it gives some kind of error? Let's take a look at the situation.

what are you proposing?

I need to understand if this is the case in your computer or in my project, if there is an error screen at startup, please send it to me.

there was no error message it just when I clicked on new game it took me to a screen that said loading it stayed there for about a minute or two and then kicked me out to the desktop. That is what happened both times.