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(1 edit)

I got to the third set of stairs, then got stuck in a gap and quit. I plan to play more of it.

The design owes to Portal, and I really dig the ambience. I have always wanted the game that lets you explore Escher-like environments with odd physics. Antichamber was close but not quite. There was another 3D game that played with perspective in the sense of you initially think you're in a normal sized room, but as you walk it's a lot larger and a chair grows to the size of a mountain.

I like this sort of thing, so I appreciate your prototype a lot!

Thanks for the kind words! Have you seen Memories Of A Broken Dimension and this amazing idea? Those games do kind of the same thing, but in very cool ways we didn't think of.

The team actually got together again for a new project, and it has a similar feel to it that Conflux has. It's still in concept phase, but I'll tweet about it once we have something that's worth showing :)