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Everyone: Press RIGHT to start the game!

I won't say too much because I don't want to cause spoilers for everyone else. This is a deeply intimate and personal narrative about one woman's personal issues and how they are linked to a painful past. The visual elements were powerfully done as well.

My only complaint is that in the very last level, the person speaking had blank speech bubbles. I could tell there was a conversation going on, based on my available responses, but the other person in the conversation's speech bubbles were blank. So it was a little confusing.

The ending was so powerful, I was surprised by my emotional reaction to it. It was like watching Inside Out (Pixar).

The absence of sound effects and music causes the player to reflect inward--at least that's the effect it had on me. I don't know if that was intentional, but it was a good effect. I think sound effects and music would have enhanced the playing experience from moment to moment during the game, for example, by heightening the suspense. But that would have detracted from that self-reflection.

Thank you for sharing this powerful narrative.