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Fancy concept! I managed to beat NPC twice :-)

Result is revealed in steps, like you have two wins and two losses and that last one moment before revelation... Enjoyed that :D

I really loved how synthwaveish the music was, along with all those neon colors of UI. It feels ambient and stylish. Very pleasant to eyes, well done!

As for controls, first I was trying to click the element, but it came to me I had to drag it to a slot. Would be nice to have a shortcut - if you click on element, it fills empty slot left to right. 

To sum up, this is awesome. Keep up!

Thank's for the evaluation!

In fact, the concept is even more fancy :D

This is just the tip of the iceberg - a test run of the gameplay concept.

We'll try to surprise everyone.

More game modes, more tracks, and a transition to 3D with all the consequences.

P.S. We were also thinking about the "autofill button" - now we'll definitely implement it. ;)