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HI. I like the game. I have not beat the first round of enemies yet.  I find it a bit difficult with shooting. I was expecting that there would be defined rows of enemies and the player would shoot down those rows. I often miss. I would like to have a setting to adjust audio.  I noticed that  when the player dies after being hit the animation is not played. 

The town would seems more alive if there was some sounds indicating that the town people are building.  Maybe have buildings show up that are partially built. 

Anyway, glad to see that you were able to release it. Will you be making a video about the release on youtube?

Dave (techdave99 on YT).

Lots of great feedback and suggestions. The enemies technically do spawn in lanes as they spawn on integers ranging from -3 to +4 on the z axis. To help I could make the lanes be more distinct, some kind of visual on the ground. Another possibility would be to give an alternate camera angle that is top down. Another option is that though the enemies spawn in lanes, the player can freely move. So I could constrain the player movements to stop at the center of a lane. Of the three, which would you like to see?

As for the town seeming more alive I was considering having there be frames and foundations before the house goes up but it would result in a lot more work for something that is scrolled passed in a few seconds. I'll see what assets are available on the Unity store.