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I've never felt more like cheese in my life. A dream come true.

I beat the game - it's very fun and the cheese physics are immaculate. That first puzzle is confusing - it almost looked like the doors were bugged at the beginning. I think some text that says "the door is locked" would really help make it clear to the player. Also that ambient music is so spooky. Thought for sure I was bout to be eaten.

Very good/tasty game!

Hello thanks for your detailed feedback! I was going to add that “door locked” heads up but honestly i was so tired by the time I submitted I just left it 😅 - I’ll definitely fix it after judging is over! And yeah the first puzzle is for-sure the hardest one, i tried to hint to it as much as I could with the rat-guide without giving it away completely. I may have to go back and really emphasize my clue haha. Thanks for playing!