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First off, super cute artwork! The title screen is awesome, and the 3d levels/characters all look great. The music fits well and helps with the bouncy, fun feel.

I like the idea of defending your garden from the waves of invaders! Unfortunately, I did run into a problem. I've seen below that others have experienced some lag as levels progressed, but on my system the game is almost unplayable right from the start. I some how managed to get to wave 3, but everything was so jumpy and laggy that I was just shooting wave shots at random and hoping I'd survive.

It's worth noting that my "gaming" PC is actually a retired workstation with a mid-to-low tier gaming graphics card... so it's probably not the best benchmark. But at the same time, I have played  expansive 3D games on there (Outer Wilds most recently) with no issues, so I feel like there could probably be some optimization.

Overall, though I wish I could have played more of it, this was a cute and polished entry with a great aesthetic! If you do get a chance to optimize it, I'll give it another spin.