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This is definitely an interesting variation on rock-paper-scissors!

One thing that strikes me is that in traditional RPS, there's at least some psychological element: "OK, in the last round I played rock and she played paper, so is she going to think I'm going to play scissors in case I play paper again?  If so, I should go with rock.  But if..." (and so on).  But here, you don't get any feedback between "rounds"; you just play all five of your plays at once.  That makes it feel a lot more like luck than anything else.

(In fact: if I had to guess, I'd say that if you come up with a strategy, I could still beat you about 50% of the time by playing randomly.)

Here's a thought, though: what if you had two Vs, two Os, and two Xs, but you revealed each one before playing the next one?  Now there's potentially some interesting strategy: "OK, it's round 4, and my opponent has two Vs and an O left.  That means my O can't lose, but it could still tie, so I want to make sure I play it when my opponent is playing a V and not their O...."

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see where this goes!

Thank you for your feedback. We will consider your idea and if it fits into the basic concept, then we will probably implement it at least in the form of a game mode with three slots. 👍