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(3 edits)

Okay, this link should direct to the entire art folder.
I put all the fonts I used in the link. I also added full art of each kid in their unfriended mode, just in case.
While I was putting the font list together, I realized I used different fonts for Jessa's handwriting between the photos and the Starter card, so I updated the Starter card back.

As for the rule clarifications:
- Yes, Jessa can sequence break and go back to the store or lemonade stand.
- Sour Broccoli removes 5 Ego after gaining Ego from your strongest card.

And I'll definitely run through the game and get back to you on what I think! Not sure if I'll be able to properly test tonight (I live in Japan so it's pretty late right now). Before I try it out though, one issue I've dealt with the most when I've playtested this with friends is knowing what cards are in Dark Schippie's deck. Dueling them completely blind makes it hard to know how much Ego to bet or whether it's even safe to duel them. So being able to see what they could throw out during planning would be helpful.

In addition to any art other stuff you might need, if you'd like to know what fonts I've used, I can let you know and maybe drop them into the art link (found all of them on dafont, I think)