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Well done - you could have totally moved away from Celeste and stick more to the Portal look, but good job anyway.

Couple of comments: 

- ESDF + mouse works well - slightly awkward for jumping precisely 

- as other pointed, the portal physic appears to be broken when you move into a portal (e.g the player will instantly go "back"). 2d makes it impossible (unless you flip the screen when getting out of a portal to keep momentum and keyboard aligned!!)

- music is a bit "depressing" (?) RubyRed I know you can do better :]

Thanks for the feedback! :D

Staying close to Celeste was an artifact from this starting out as some high effort joke where I snuck a portal gun into Celeste Classic, and with all the people helping out being from that game's community. It gets somewhat tied with the Celeste Classic lore eventually to somewhat justify the theme. :P

I see what you mean about the physics- I couldn't find a very satisfactory solution and largely based it on this really old 2D Portal game made in Flash which controlled and behaved similarly. Perhaps some short frame window where controls are flipped upon exiting a portal?