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You have to have the style tag within the scare tag. So you instead need to have it be.

"{sc=3}{=blood}the text{/=blood}{/sc}"

And I believe it should work. Though of course let me know if it doesn't.

The reason it has to be like that is that the text tag isn't sent the tags started outside of it. So styling you have applied on the text has to be specified inside the tag in order for it to be aware of that. Because technically speaking, the letters that will displayed inside the tag are wrapped inside Displayables and separate from the surrounding text. Which allows us to move them independently of it. But means we don't get that style information the rest of the text will get.

The DispTextStyle class I made is there to help handle that. So that if you define other tags inside the text tag, it can automatically remember them and store that formatting inside the Text displayable inside our Displayable wrapper. But if that style tag is outside of the kinetic text tag, then we don't know that tag exists. I know it's less than convenient though and I apologize for that. I couldn't find a better workaround. But if one comes along I'll be sure to update it to be more convenient. 

And again, if that doesn't solve the issue let me know~

It worked out! Thanks so much for the help and the quick response. You are awesome. : )