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A member registered Nov 02, 2019

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It worked out! Thanks so much for the help and the quick response. You are awesome. : )

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for making this! It's amazing.

I do have one question, however. I'm still kind of inexperienced with Renpy, but I'm starting to grasp the basics. Your documentation is thorough, but I'm still kind of confused on one thing. The {color} tag doesn't seem to work when using your tags, and I kind of understand why when reading about how this actually works. However, making a style with a defined color still doesn't seem to change the color of the text for me. I tried to copy the example from the script.rpy included with the download, but text colors still don't seem to work.

EDIT: I figured I should include what I did so this seems like a less abstract question

At the top:

style blood:

    color "#730707"

What I'm trying to do several lines later 

"{=blood}{sc=3}the text{/=blood}{/sc}"

This only adds the scare text effect. Trying to use {color} yields similar results.