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Procedurally generated King's Field is such a good idea. Very much looking forward to seeing how this project develop. Great feel and visuals with some nice modernizations that don't tread on the legacy of the originals. 

I do have some input that you may already be planning to implement;

  • There's no way to sprint and move the camera on pad without playing claw or clicking the left stick in which I personally find really uncomfortable. I would love to see either a control option reminiscent of the originals with the shoulder buttons for strafing and attacking on one of the face buttons, or just mapping sprint to the left trigger.
  • The stamina system is a nice mix of modern stamina bars and the KF power bar but one thing its missing is a damage or knockback penalty for swinging without the proper amount of stamina. This gives the mace absurd DPS if you swing for full power every time you get a single point of stamina. Maybe the weapon could deal a percentage of the max damage based on the stamina consumed, or simply not stagger without full power.
  • Menus not pausing the game is another great idea that maintains the momentum that a rogue like dungeon crawler should have, but not being able to move during menus despite menu navigation using a separate set of controls can make it feel like more of a punishment than a mechanic. Menuing while moving is one of the most rewarding skills to master in the souls games and I would love to see it in a game like this.
  • I know this is a very early state for the game but I would love to see some of the QoL from the King's Field games like designating a shortcut item or picking up items on the ground without having to look directly at them. Item categories from the Souls games would make sorting through items very convenient which I feel is important in a game that doesn't pause.

Overall this is a really promising project with a great framework. I'm looking forward to what you've got in store.


Thank you for the thorough feedback! A lot of the mechanics in the game are really really bare bones right now. There was a submission deadline for these demos and I decided to focus on including a number of mechanics that try to hint at what I have planned, but are certainly not anywhere close to their ideal implementation.

  • Full controller rebind is definitely the goal, but a few extra binds could help in the meantime! 
  • The current stamina system is hardly better then decoration right now haha. I like your ideas, I'll keep some of them in mind while fleshing out my weapon system more.
  • I honestly can't remember why I disabled moving and attacking while in the menu, I guess I thought it would make it easier? You're absolutely right about menuing being a rewarding skill to master in Dark Souls though, I'll be adding that in for sure.
  • Item pickups need their hitboxes adjusted, I thought I made them big enough, but I've been watching people play and need to be even bigger. I'll definitely try out a hot key at some point, although I do want the player to have to find some safety to do too much maintenance. More advanced menuing with categories might be a good middle ground!

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you like what I have so far. I'm going to make some posts soon on my twitter (and probably here too) about my plans for the future of the game and some behind the scenes stuff. Follow if you want to get updates! :D