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(2 edits) (+1)

Okay so I got stuck in school as the red haired girl and I don't know what to do so I think I'm finished with this game.

Points to note:

Just running around isn't very fun, consider adding some game elements like puzzles or fun mechanics.

The people you talk to have exactly the same face so when you switch between them the only thing that changes is the hair and that feels really weird, as if it's the same bald character putting on wigs talking to themselves.

You need to place signs all over the place that clearly shows where you CAN go and where you CAN'T. A player should not have to try every door seeing if they work, and since there's no signs and a lot of paths that look identical you forget which ones you've tried. Also if there is an exit path, don't board it up with school benches, just leave it out...

Make it obvious to the player what they should explore and where they can find it, put it right in their face or give them a questlog if it's something they should figure out. I tried to walk up the stairs by the toilets and it did not let me at first, I ran around for ages just clicking on lockers and people and I could not find out what I had to do, but eventually when I tried again it let me through. I don't know if that's a bug or if you have to talk to all the people first and that's a bad sign.

Definite Bugs: 1) When you leave class and walk to the path where it says "I'm not finished exploring" it does not move you back out of the zone where that triggers, so it keeps spamming the message until you hold right arrow and press enter to remove the message. 2) In the same area if you try to walk up the stairs (again, make it obvious you cant walk up those stairs) and you make a left turn you can run around on the walls.

If you fix all of that it could be a fun game that I'd continue to play despite any other flaws I find. In summation : We need to know what to do, how to do it, and it needs to have some game mechanics.

The intro was hilarious though, loved it. +1 star for that. I might change my review if you update it.


Hello! Thank you for your feedback. I'll try and break down your points as best I can but I'll preface by saying that everything you mentioned is definitely something that needs to be worked on. I've made a list of every issue you mentioned and will try and get them all fixed by the next update.

One of the reports that seem to be common is when playing as Asuka and being unable to find the last exhibitionism scene. In the next update I'm going to move the event marker into an easier spot location and streamline future events so that the player doesn't spend as much time looking for them. I'm hoping to include a 'Hints' option on the main menu that should help point players into the right direction.

More puzzles are definitely in consideration for the future. At the moment, things are a little barebones but I definitely have plans to add challenges along the way.

In terms of the avatars, everything will eventually be replaced by hand-drawn art, including the 3D sprites and text box sprites. At the moment, bar one or two items like the prologue CG, everything is placeholder until I can finish the art in a future update. Same applies to the majority of the music.

I'm hoping by the next update the school will be completely finished, as well as finally being able to let the player wander the town and enter a sandbox where you'll be able to explore for more events and the like.

The wall walking and "I'm not finished exploring" bugs will also be fixed by the next update. 

Thanks again for letting me know and I hope you'll be able to enjoy Natsuru Roshutsu in the future!