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the game is really interesting and fun but after the part where you encounter the glitch it becames unnecessary difficult. 

first example: there is a point where you can go down on some small tubes just to find that there is nothing there and you have to go back up jumping on some red cristals or something. the grap on the cristals more of the time will get you on top but just after, it will let you fall.

second example: exagonal tubes and sliding parts. the shape of the exagonal tubes makes it difficult to lend on them and impossible to grab on them. while the sliding parts are just difficult in a bad way, in my opinion.

wonderful game but those few things got me to quit playing. I lost so much time in some points that become frustrating and unpleasant


Here are some tips that I found helped me with the difficulty spike:

Even if the surface is not climable, you can purposefully come just short of the jump and your picks will pull you up

When landing and you don't want to slide, quickly hit shift/walk as you land and your sliding distance will be decreased by a lot. For the red crystals and the hexagon pipes this trick is really useful.

For the sliding, you have to jump a little bit further up the pipe than you want to so you can slide a bit and keep the momentum.