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Wireless Gamepad Support is not supported on MacOS) - It's a pity(


Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this. iVIBRATE uses the Rewired input system for Unity and wireless gamepad support for PS4 gamepads on MacOS does not work. Here is a quote from their documentation: 

"Sony Dual Shock 4 special features are not supported on OSX via Bluetooth connection. There is no possible way to support these features of the DS4 via Bluetooth on OSX because the HID reports sent by the device through OSX I/O kit simply do not contain gyro or touchpad information and it does not accept output reports to set vibration or light color. This is a limitation of OSX I/O kit."

In saying that, via the Rewired documentation I have set up a guide of MacOS users on how to get Xbox gamepads working, which should work in wired and wireless modes. This is a 3rd party driver for MacOS so I cannot provide any more support other than the guide I have written here.