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This is an amazing discovery, wonderful work thank you. I just generated 5 villages for my Pendragon campaign, then realised after downloading the PNG that I'd love to have nighttime and simple versions too. I guess its too late and I'd have to start again or is there away to re-import them to the tool?


There is no way to save/load a village, sorry. In the next update it will become possible to get a seed of a village to regenerate it later.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Watabou, what is the JSON export used for? Thought that would be to import and closed my village only to find out I was wrong.

Edit: Found it. Would still love to see an import back into this generator when/if feasible.

"Currently you can only load those JSON's in City Viewer. I don't plan to add a save/load functionality in this generator."