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You aren't talking to yourself, you are expressing certain opinions in an open forum. 

Opinions that I largely happen to agree with, but that nonetheless may run into certain obstacles at times. I simply pointed out what I believe to be some rather large obstacles to the way you would like the story to go

As i happens, I do enjoy an open discussion, even with people I disagree with. Especially with people I disagree with: if all you hear are comments from inside your own bubble, you'll never have any reason to change your mind, and one should alwas be ready to give up an idea in exchange for a better one.  

For instance: I would love to kick the shit out of the assholes who took Maria, and break their asshole droids for good measure, but that is not really the premise of the story: the premise of the story is that we are nobody, just a random hotel manager, and we are doing our best to help our girls in a world that is pretty much custom-made to not let us.

If you disagree with that assessment, I would like to know why.