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Looks like a nice game but the mac version doesnt work on mac :( ive also tried the Linux version just for sure but still doesnt work

Terminal says it cant execute the binary file

Last login: Mon Oct 16 19:42:13 on ttys001
Stresser:~ PYC$ /Users/PYC/Downloads/Mindustry-linux64-2.3/Mindustry ; exit;
-bash: /Users/PYC/Downloads/Mindustry-linux64-2.3/Mindustry: cannot execute binary file
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
Deleting expired sessions...20 completed.

[Opération terminée]

The Linux version works for me, and I don't have a mac, so unfortunately I have no way to test it. The binary file format seems to be correct, so I don't think there's anything I can do. Sorry.