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Hi! have you checked the unity sample scene in the asset package? You can see several examples in there with different layered options and objects you can turn on and off for studying!

Additionally, here's a gif with the tile palettes used in question to achieve certain combinations (as mapped in unity, but this also should apply to other versions as well)

This sample uses the beach skin, but you can find other coast options if you have other preferences, such as the rocky water coast:

Hopefully this is clarifying enough!

Hi~Thanks for your example.Could you tell me which folder to find the sample scene?I've found in the Tiny Tales_2D_Overworld_2.0 and Tiny Tales_2D_WorldMap_1.0,every folder but found only TilePallets and Sample Maps.Thanks

You can find the sample scene in the root folder of the respective pack. it contains 4 different tilemap objects with their layers as children, so you can check how they look. Let us know if you need anything else!

Hey there! Got a question regarding this. Is that only available via Unity store? Since i bought it on i can't find that sample scene and im struggling a little with the fields and the coasts.