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Peeb Adventures - Tech Demo

Peeb goes on a terrifying adventure to defeat true evil... · By Feverdream Johnny

Feedback + video :)

A topic by FullThrough created Mar 25, 2021 Views: 124 Replies: 2
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Hiii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it :D, hopefully it is useful to you :)

-The concept of the game is really good and the story has potential, also the characters have some good dialogues that make them pretty interesting.

-The visual style of the game has those PS1/2 and N64 vibes on it with a lot of polish and extra personality, making it really eye catching ^^

-The gameplay mechanics are really well thought and make the gameplay itself very fun and interesting.

-I didn't understand why the "lives counter" could get into negative numbers without having any repercusion on the gameplay apparently.

-The game has a lot of potential and I'd love to see how the rest of the games ends up looking ^^

Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)



Thanks for playing! Yeah, the lives counter was a novelty feature and doesn't serve a purpose in gameplay, it's just there to let the player know how many times they've died while playing. I'm not sure it's going to be staying in the full game, but we'll see!

Allright ^^ thx for the info.

You are welcome :)
