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Hello from Italy!

      I'll post some questions too...

1) on P. 28, after a Rush, you erase the word of power with the highest value.

Then on P. 47, it states that, once back on the ship, you must purge a word of power and gain life consequently, if you previously experienced a rush. Is that a SECOND word of power? Is it mandatory?

2) a "spirit" question: in my language, the word SALUTARE means both "healthy" and "to say hello". Can with things like that? I mean, use the word in both contexts, if the situation arises?

Thanks in advance. I'll go back to Hawkwind...



oh interesting catch on that erasure! It should happen when you experience the rush, not when you return to the ship, that was meant as more of a reminder to upkeep but instead comes off like you mention, a double penalty, and that’s my mistake! 

As for #2, yes that’s a major function of play! Using words that have different meanings is very good especially in other languages, that was a deliberate intent of the design, letting players decide what a word means in the moment they need it. 

I’ll also say I do kinda like losing words twice, since the second only occurs in campaign play (since you wouldn’t do upkeep if you weren’t going to play again) BUT I’ve heard from a few play groups that they’re depleting words faster than the dice statistics were meant to, whether through bad luck or trying to power game (sort of against the spirit of play on page 15 but I get it), so some bandaids are needed to make sure players have enough words to choose from at all times. I’m considering making some patch notes this year for bugs like these!