* Still lacking key audio placeholders!
* Ideas seem to be coming together, but far too slowly! There's a lot of minor awkwardness in the jumps, and the difficulty curve is ... well, not a curve, anyway. Easy and impossible.
* Focus on metrics, geometry and flow. Try and minimise the clumsiness of trying to get into doorways and corridors, reduce the chance of the player bashing their head on things - and with each adjustment, ask yourself if this is a new rule that should be recorded in the Design Site so other people don't have to figure it out for themselves!
Level 4
* Some nice ideas here, but it all feels a little bit awkward!
* The first section works nicely when you know what to do - especially when you hit the top two collectibles in a smooth arc coming out of the second crouch-jump area - but the actual crouch-jumps feel like they're not consistently spaced. I can make both jumps from the same spot, and in each case it seems impossible to do in a nice, smooth, fluid motion.
* I can also collect the top two collectibles by climbing the ledges on the right-hand side. Since the leap from the second crouch-jump area on the left is so smooth, wouldn't it be better to adjust the right-hand ledges and force the player onto that other path?
* In the second section, check the metrics on the jump to the ledge at the very top - I over-shot a couple times and bashed my head, it felt clumsy
* Am I supposed to crouch-jump for the collectible at the bottom, in the middle? Again, I was able to go up under the block to the right of it, so you might want to work on forcing the player into the right path.
*The bottom right section is all out of line with the metrics - far too easy to overshoot the platform and fall.
* Overall I can see what you're trying to achieve, and it's good, but it feels like you need to iterate quite a bit to get there!
Level 5
* Starting moving left out of the gate always feels weird ...
* Very easy to miss the 2nd collectible, which leaves you unable to open the trapdoor for the 3rd one
* Lots of turrets pointed directly at me as I move through doorways? Seems cruel!
* Not spotting any poor adherence to metrics, but generally just no space to breathe. Couldn't progress past the left-most section before giving up! :(
* I like the inward-spiralling golden path, and there's some nice ideas here, but you just need to give the player that little bit more space to think and plan.
Level 6
* Conversely to the previous two, this was the easiest level yet
* Some nice touches - I like the path that takes you round, up and back down again, but it doesn't feel like you're doing all you can to push the player into that direction
* The jumping in the bottom-left corner feels completely out of line with the metrics - the height of that short corridor is way lower than the arc of my jump, making it really hard to land in the doorway - and the nearby cannon is almost unavoidable as a result
* The trapdoor at the top could be nice, but then I ended up having to go left and backtrack to get to the door. Might be better if they player is always forced around to the left.