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This seems to be a on-going issue with Android that we'll need more details and testing with. The takeaway of our light testing so far seems to be that it might be a storage or ram usage issue in loading assets. (Hence not being able to proceed) But we can't say for sure, there's been claims of it working on other peoples phones and some in house testing within the team for our personal phones with it working.

One thing we're going to do that should offer a fix is that someone has mentioned Ren'py itself has some sort of issue on it's more recent version of the engine software, so when we release v0.18, we'll be running it off of a previously working Ren'py software version to test that out.

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I just downloaded v17 on Android last night and 0 issues. Maybe your device or Android version is under-powered and can't load it properly.

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FWIW same issue here, none of the main menu options do anything. It's a Pixel 2 XL too with 6GB of free space and plenty of RAM; positive it's not a hardware issue.

Android Version 11, Security Update Oct 5 2020 and Google Play System Update from Aug 1, 2021 (latest available updates for the device; no new updates to come). Game version 0.18.

Real shame, was hoping to have something fun to play on my phone. Device is only 4 years old, real shame if support only exists for latest and greatest yearly devices for whatever reason. :(

Thank you for bringing it to our attention, similar to other mentions too! It'll better help us in fixing the releases for Android. ^^

We're going to take a look at some improvements for Android in order to prevent issues like this. Naturally our end goal isn't for the latest and greatest phones to be able to run the game, but rather it's most likely going to require some extensive compressing of assets/resources for the game on our end to help make it better performed on mobile devices. (Only issue with this is that it might not be 100% perfect still along the development process, as we firstly test the Windows/Mac versions and everything is built in mind for computer use firstly and mobile is more of a second thought.)

Not to make it sound like a bad thing towards mobile users, as we want the option for many to play on their mobile devices with each update made to the game during development. But it's mainly just to keep things rolling along smoothly, that we prioritize Windows/Mac in mind first and we're mostly just porting that very same version to mobile currently. ^^" (Hence the file size/spec requirements.)

Ideally within our next update or two, we'll hopefully be able to apply some changes for the mobile versions of v0.19 & v0.20 coming up for public to fix the file size/specs and continue to do some adjustments when it comes to the mobile versions if possible.

Sorry for the issues though. >.< Hopefully some testing can be done with v0.19 before hand, the only issue with that is each device will vary. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy note 10 sadly, so it's a bit more recent still kind of, so I can't recreate the issue on my device when testing. Bare with us though! <3