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(3 edits)

I have seen the Edit page's form disintegrate before, like changes in the rich text editor spilled out into the rest of the page. I don't think these struck-out lines happened after an editing session. I just noticed them yesterday while in the regular page view. I think they just appeared out of the blue. There isn't much rhyme or reason as to why that text would be "deleted" but it's not completely random either, since it seemed to pick out capitalized words in two cases. I don't think I applied any formatting to these parts of the description (that might have morphed into DEL tags.) In any case, it seems I'm the first to report this experience :)

Strikeout: On second thought I think they were probably italicized. (But it's not like I hit the wrong button and never looked at the page until months  after. I.e. it seems to have changed on its own.)


Strikeout: On second thought I think they were probably italicized. (But it’s not like I hit the wrong button and never looked at the page until months after. I.e. it seems to have changed on its own.)

The content of the page will never change on it’s own. It’s highly likely a mistake was made when editing that you didn’t notice.

No offense but that's more physically impossible than the page's changing on its own, one way or other. In any case, I wouldn't worry about it until you hear more accounts like it. (How could someone change formatting selectively on your page editor screen?)