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We had one bug which ate up around 4 hours of time. And we started this game jam with a time handicap. In the end we only had around half the features we wanted and had no time to fine tune the game so we submitted it. We know of its problems. But we decided thats its better submitted than un submitted.

(1 edit)

Reminds me a bit of the first jam I ever joined. It was a 72 hour Ludum Dare and I delayed a feature which I thought would be easy to implement, but pretty essential to the gameplay for the last day (my priorities back then were quite skewed, as I remember having a working splash screen and a menu before the actual game worked x)). Of course it wasn't easy to implement and we ended up having to redesign a large part of the game to make it at least somewhat playable in the last few hours of the jam. Boy was I feeling frustrated...

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should take it as a learning experience and not be too hard on yourself. Game jams are full of suprises!

thanks. I expected more but no matter. Its just a gamejam. I think I will just scope smaller next time. And i thought i already scoped small.