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Wonderful!  Yes, I just watch VikFro streaming and playing Little Foot.  I have much to learn about creating mazes.

Thanks for the comments on the soundtrack.  That was Lucas' contribution, and he introduced me to Themes for Terrains and Characters.

(If I remember correctly, I looked through your code...and lots and lots of Tweens.  So cool! I am just learning about those babies, too!)

The game will be updated at least 3 times before the next Godot Wild Jam, if you are interested in more replay (though the first update will be mostly content updates and maybe some Tween animations...depends on Refactoring.)

I'll be posting a Devlog discussing features and options for people.

One of the other things I realized, which is hilarious in hindsight, I only learned when watching other people's submissions.

What are computers really good at?  Copying things.  There are actually very few copied objects within LittleFoot, as I think of each character as unique and special in and of themselves.  (Yes, there are some duplicates thrown in near the end...3 Trees and Squirrels, and 2 or 3 Tree With Acorn.

And, believe it or not, I just learned about inherited scenes.  I was doing so many things trying to figure out how to get content into the game, and wondering..."why is this so hard?"  Plus, the core system I am developing (a message-passing state  machine model for the scene views), wasn't yet designed for creation/destruction.  So everything in LittleFoot exists and always exists, unless you Give them to Characters that accept them (and those are few and far between.)

Look forward to seeing you next jam, too!
