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Hey there again, I made a review gameplay video for your game a while ago and since you updated the game I made a follow up one to talk about the changes that you made, here is what I found:

  • The gameplay is much smoother now and the sound effects seem more improved, I loved the new skins and color that you gave to the cells, all is greatly done.
  • I want to talk about the new feature you added as a controller in the game, the mouse is a great addition but bear in mind that when I wanted to slice some cells at the edge and since you added that feature the map moves even that I am just trying to stay still and slice cells at the edge, so I want to recommend a game options regarding controls; to either use keyboard to move or mouse.
  • There is in minute 03:58 a cell that went over the edges of the game map inside, which I imagine that is the limits (the wall) so you might consider letting the cells bounce off the wall or limit their interaction over it.

Hope that my small ideas and humble review is going to help here… Looking forward to see this game takes off, best of luck.


Hello! thanks for playing and wow making a video again!

So sorry about the new cam movement, will try to revamp it soon! 

Thanks for the feedbacks! I do appreciate it! 

P.S. I have already subscribed to your channel :)


Such an amazing game you have there, so sipmle and so hard to master it, your game is one of the most ones that I truly enjoyed recently on Really loving this game.

And thank you so much for the sub in the channel lol, you did told me last time... thought it would be funny to mention it in the video.


Thanks for the love my friend. Do appreciate it :)


Hope you would love the updates that we have planned!