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This fits the theme so well! And most importantly it is presented clearly.

Additionally, I really enjoyed how you kept the first level challenging yet possible to complete. The second one had me stuck at times. I think I have to take better care of my colour reserves at these trying times :D

I am so curious how you managed the drop-pellets-colouring mechanic so beautifully! Can you give me a hint?


I can give you the project files if you want.

But in short, I use two additional viewports. The first one is just a black screen, where I draw white circles on whenever a pellet "pops". The circles radius is tweened, so it isn't revealed all at once. The second viewport just contains a copy of the dark tilemap with a different tileset and the background. I then use the texture of the second viewport as a sprite, which I put between the player character and the dark map . The texture of the first viewport with the white circles is then applied to the second viewport as a mask with a shader, showing only pixels where the texture of the first viewport is white.

It's really complicated and inefficient, though. There are probably a dozen easier and less resource hungry methods to do something like this.


Wow! Thank you for such a detailed explanation! (I have no idea what the viewports are, but you made me understand now, thanks.)

Since the game was running fine on HTML5, I do not worry about how hungry it came out as hehehe